Kamis, 08 Januari 2009

The Lips Treatment

The intensity of the heat of the sun make air surround the earth be hottest. Caused our lips to be chapped. What a disturbing, isn’t it !
Many casual factor for lips health be disturbed. One of them, life style was more pollution. Lip was easier be more dried, more chapped and be come black. Especially, smoker.
Stay long time in room with air conditioning (AC) was caused too. Even less did some time, not enough dringking water and consuming vegetable and fruit.
But from all causal factor, the top causal from the wickedness is UV A and B.
For treatment, have to drinking water and consuming vegetable and fruit, contain water and vitamin, especially vit. A and C. And it was better for us to use a lip care, lip balm or lip conditioner too.

Senin, 05 Januari 2009

Natural Skin Care

Beauty haven't spent all money. With little capital, we can get fresh skin and shine, what women has been longing for, of course.
In this column, confer about processing natural material to be facilitator for skin care.

1. Tomato

Tomato function of mask, give advantage for repair skin is on fire by sunray. When you were taking rest, your skin was been smooth and pure.

The procedure :

Get half of ripe tomato. Pulverizer it or crush it. Added honey to concoction. Wipe the mask to entire face. Keep for 15 minute. And than clean up with warm water.

2. Eeg white and calamondin

Just for oil skin. That mask could reduce level of oil on face and our pore become small. So acne in our face decreased.

The procedure :

Mix eeg white, added water of calamondin. Wiped that mask to entire face. Keep for 15 minute, and than clean up wirh warm water. Used by washcloth. After it, apply a cold compress to our face. That mask could used both a week.

3. Avocado

The avocado mask used just for dried skin or normal skin. Becouze, avocado contains fat.

The procedure :
Pulverized a quarter of ripe avocado. Added honey. And than clean up.

4. Cucumber

As freshener (toner). Use fresh cucumber (put the cucumber in refrigerator, first)

The procedure :

Take a short cut. And than stick on our face and lying in bed.

You have to try it !!!

Rabu, 31 Desember 2008

Back to Natural Cosmetic

Every woman is surely hungered for the husk smoothly, beam fresh. Seen the princess basin. Admired by the clan adam. There's nothing do not wish it. Assorted of way gone through to be] tired desire. From strarting treatment in salon, consume the is cosmetic of his notabene have brand trustworthy, so routine always to medical to consult. Truely have confessed that any that give the impact positive, initially. But, there is something that always miss from our eyesight. The composition implied in the materials. Do not ayal chemicals truely quickly process something becoming such as we wish. But we less respek to realize the impact to arise after him. Truely fitrah when human need something that instan and quickly.
These days, some beauticians start the natural materials lyric.Remember the him raising hell affect the chemicals for health of husk later. Call brand-brand distinguised the appliance kosmetika be like, The Body Shop and Oriflame. Some his cosmetics maintain the natural element upon which making. At least there are one natural materials in the product network on the market.
Will return to the past . Heritage ancestors . Able to make the Cleopatra always fascinate the fore part by adam. And we too blind to realize that God create any which ( though) within call with useful sure us.
Because we is created from rib adam. And adam created from land;ground. What it is of course experience of. What a him good if/when us of one, to take care of and look after us what have do got.
So...., Back to Nature